A second attack started 12 hours after the first one ended

Nov 18, 2013 09:40 GMT  ·  By

Over the weekend, the systems of Germany-based web hosting provider Hetzner have been hit by a distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack.

According to the company’s status page, the attack started on November 16 at around 1:00 PM CET. 12 hours later, it was over. The large number of packets had been aimed at a server in the RZ19 data center.

However, after another 12 hours, the attack had resumed. At one point, while they were filtering malicious traffic, Hetzner revealed that the attack was running at around 60 Gbps.

On Sunday, at 8:30 PM CET, Hetzner announced that their countermeasures were working and that the strength of the attack was decreasing. However, so far they haven’t said anything about it being over.

Additional information can be found on Hetzner’s status page. A discussion on this topic is available on Hacker News.