Waves have managed to turn a dirty beach into an area covered with pieces of jewelry

Jan 7, 2012 09:55 GMT  ·  By
Waves have turned a dirty beach from California into an amazing glass paradise
   Waves have turned a dirty beach from California into an amazing glass paradise

Nowadays, man-made pollution is considered one of the greatest threats for most of the pristine environments.

A beach from California, known by locals as the place where piles of trash used to be gathered, has managed to undergo an extreme 'makeover' while simply relying on clean, green wave power, Inhabitat informs.

The filthy beach, previously entitled The Dumps, had to be closed by the North Coast Water Quality Board, since its visible degradation was making it unsuitable for recreational purposes.

Authorities have started cleaning it in 1967, but without achieving satisfactory results. Surprisingly, the area has restored its balance on its own.

Over a few decades, waves have played their part, overcoming man-made pollution and turning glass fragments into one-of-a-kind colorful pieces of jewelry, covering all the beach and transforming it into an exquisite natural paradise.