New game reveals and trailers will be shown as well

Nov 15, 2013 02:56 GMT  ·  By

The official launch of the PlayStation 4 is about to kick off in the United States, but the first reviews have already been published so those who are still in doubt can get a more in-depth look on what it has to offer.

However, the PlayStation 4 launch event that is set to begin on Spike TV in New York City at 11:00pm Eastern/Pacific on regular cable providers and 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific on DirecTV will not only show watcher a piece of hardware that have already been reviewed by most major online publications.

There will be game announcements, new trailers will be shown and new games will be revealed in just a few hours.

There's have been quite a few teasers hinting to a few exciting announcements during the event, so make sure watch the stream online right here.