Scientists have been experimenting with getting people to control other folks' body parts for quite a while now

Apr 29, 2015 15:16 GMT  ·  By

The human body is nothing short of a sophisticated machine. Even so, it looks like we are getting better and better at interfering with its natural processes, all for the sake of science. 

The video below, posted online this past Tuesday, shows a demonstration during which a woman managed to control a man's hand from afar, using nothing but her brain.

Before the demonstration begins, specialist Greg Cage attaches a couple of electrodes to the woman's arm and records the signals that her brain sends to make the limb move.

After this, he places another pair of electrodes on the man's arm. When the woman moves her palm again, the signals fired by her brain don't stop at her own limb.

Instead, they stimulate muscles in the man's body, compelling his fingers to move without him ordering them to do so. It's all kind of freaky when you think about it.

Scientist Greg Cage reassures that this demonstration was not some cheap trick and that the electrodes, together with the wires attached to them, really did let the woman control the man's hand.

“It’s not a parlor trick; it actually works. You have to see it to believe it,” reads the video's description on YouTube.