Science video explains where the sweet rose smell many of us find it impossible to resist comes from

Feb 14, 2015 11:13 GMT  ·  By

What with today being Valentine's Day and all, roses are getting loads of attention. True, they are being chopped and turned into lovely bouquets so it's probably not the kind of attention they hoped for, but the fact remains that their flowers are now insanely popular.

Well, just in case some of you were wondering where roses get their sweet smell from, here's a video detailing pretty much everything a nature enthusiast might want to know about these gorgeous flowers.

As detailed in the video, our planet is home to hundreds of rose species. However, the rose smell that we are familiar with from foods, cosmetics and perfumes comes from just one species that is known to the scientific community as the damask rose.

Interestingly enough, it appears that the rose scent that many of us simply cannot resist comes not from just one compound, but from a whole lot of chemicals that, when blended together, produce one of the most appealing smells ever. 

Even wackier, scientists say that each of these chemicals that give damask roses their distinctive smell interacts differently with olfactory receptors inside our nose. This is the reason why the scent of roses is as complex and as appealing as it is.