If our entire species were to vanish all of a sudden, the world would be a fairly chaotic place for at least a few weeks

Jan 29, 2015 11:03 GMT  ·  By

It's no mystery that we humans have transformed the world we live in way more than any other species ever to evolve on this home planet of ours that we like to call Earth.

Hence, one cannot help but wonder what would happen if our entire species were to suddenly disappear without a trace. Puff. Gone. The end.

As it turns out, our planet would be a chaotic place for at least a few weeks after our demise. Power plants would shut down and the animals we raise for food or company would all break loose.

What's more, the cities we hold so dear would flood and Mother Nature would get to work chewing away on all the buildings we have erected over the centuries. Add some fires to the mix and you'll get a better idea of how things would play out.

Eventually, the world will once again be a calm and peaceful place. What's interesting though is that, apparently, the planet will forever have something to remember us by.

Mind you, this something is not so much a gift as it is a plague. Yes, we're talking plastic pollution. Thus, because bacteria cannot eat this material, chances are our trash will linger on in oceans for hundreds of millions of years.