The hero hamster gulped down 11 hot dogs, managed to put world-famous competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi to shame

Sep 17, 2014 14:46 GMT  ·  By

Hamsters might be teeny tiny creatures, but this does not mean that they don't have a huge appetite. On the contrary, these furry bundles of cuteness can gulp down impressive amounts of food in a fairly short time.

If you don't believe me, check out the video below to see for yourself. The footage made it online just yesterday, and its shows a hamster and a full-grown man taking part in a eating competition.

Spoiler alert: the hamster wins. Thus, the little creature somehow manages to eat as many as 11 hot dogs in just a few seconds. The man, on the other hand, stops at 10.

Once the competition comes to an end, the hamster is handed a medal. The loser, on the other hand, can be seen shedding a few tears.

To put things into perspective, it need be said that the guy in this video is world-famous competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi. That's right, this hamster single-handedly put a competitive eating champion to shame.

This is yet to be confirmed, but rumor has it that, shortly after this hot dogs eating contest, the hamster locked himself in a room and continued to run on a custom-made wheel until it was sure that it had burned all the excess calories.