The Boston Terrier was recently adopted from a shelter in Texas

Apr 5, 2013 13:21 GMT  ·  By

Most dog owners are aware of the fact that their pet most likely loves them dearly. However, few ever get the chance to hear it utter these words.

The Boston Terrier featured in the video above was recently rescued from an animal shelter in Texas.

What makes him so very special (and what will probably make his new family unable to get enough of him) is the fact that it can bark “I love you!”

Granted, it all sounds more like “I wuv you,” or some other series of indistinguishable sounds, yet with a little help from one's imagination the pooch can be argued to bark one heart-melting declaration of love.

Funnily enough, it appears that Domino only barks in this manner when people are walking away from him, which is why some suspect that he's fully aware of the effect his “I wuv you” has on those about to leave him.