This positively stunning video comprises images taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station

Oct 11, 2014 18:03 GMT  ·  By

Let's face it, we'll probably never get to see what our planet looks like from space with our own eyes anytime soon. Not unless we have buckets full of money to book a seat on the commercial spacecraft set to launch next year.

The best we can do to get a better idea of just how stunning our planet really is is sit back, relax, and feast our eyes on images shared with us ordinary folks by people who've been lucky enough to explore space.

The gorgeous time-lapse video below, dubbed Nuestra Tierra (that's Spanish for Our Earth), made it online this past October 9. It is the work of filmmaker Fede Castro and shows what Earth looks like when observed from high in the skies.

As detailed in the video's description, the footage comprises images taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Center and shared with the public by folks at NASA's Johnson Space Center.

The time-lapse takes us all around the world and shows us not just breathtaking landscapes but also major cities scattered all across the globe. Mind you, it even shows the aurora borealis, which I have to say looks nothing short of mind-blowing.

By the looks of it, Fede Castro created this video looking to remind people just how amazing our planet is and encourage folks to start taking better care of it. Well, it's mission accomplished, if you ask me.