The furry animal puts up quite a fight, eventually manages to free itself

Dec 24, 2013 02:26 GMT  ·  By

Bags are evil and not worthy of anyone's trust, and the video above more than proves it. The footage shows a poor, unfortunate squirrel sneaking into a seemingly harmless paper bag hoping to find something good to eat, and being viciously attacked by it.

The paper bag catches the animal in what can only be described as a death trap, and refuses to let go despite the fact that the squirrel starts bouncing all over the place.

Eventually, the furry creature manages to free itself, and makes a run for it. Still, odds are that it will be a cryogenic day in hell before it goes looking for crumbs at the bottom of a paper bag again.

Besides, I must admit that, after having watched this video, I myself will probably have trouble coming close to paper bags for a considerable period.

The video was posted online by Petsami this December 23.