The video was shot in the waters off the coast of the Farne Islands in England

Jan 18, 2014 20:51 GMT  ·  By

First off, I have a confession to make: after watching this video showing a bunch of seals goofing around with divers, I'm seriously considering flooding my entire apartment and getting one such animal as a pet.

Besides, something tells me that at least some of you might want to do the same.

According to Tree Hugger, the footage was shot in the waters off the coast of the Farne Islands close to Northumberland, England.

Jason Neilus, who posted the footage on Vimeo, says that he and his friends often visit the area and spend some time observing and interacting with seals.

Still, he stresses that this video is one of a kind.

“We've been visiting here for the last six years to say hello to the seal pups and we've never had this much interaction before – they were everywhere and all over us!!!!” he writes on Vimeo.

In case anyone was wondering, the seals willingly approach the divers and play with them.

What's more, the folks who take part in the diving make sure that none of the marine mammals is disturbed or harmed by their presence in the water.