"I'm super-duper afraid of the pedestal that comes with fame,” the singer tells Oprah

Aug 11, 2012 16:41 GMT  ·  By

Oprah might be argued to be pretty gifted when it comes to people-reading skills, but it seems that Rihanna managed to take her quite by surprise and show her a soft-side Oprah never even suspected existed.

“I went there with my own ideas of who she was by watching the videos and listening to her music. I thought she was going to be kind of a badass, kind of a hard-edged rocker/pop woman. Nothing could have been farther from the truth,” confesses Oprah right at the beginning of this clip.

Truth be told, given her musical style, we ourselves were quite surprised to find that Rihanna is a such a sensitive spirit and truly afraid of the ups and downs brought about by her making a career in the public eye.

Still, the singer has her feet very firm on the ground. Suffice it to say, Rihanna still carries herself around her old neighborhood as if fame never happened to her.

Note: the interview is expected to air on the 19th of August, so stay tuned for more info.