Luckily for the bird, Gertie Cleary and her daughter are more than willing to help

Jul 17, 2013 17:36 GMT  ·  By

Some time ago, Gertie Cleary and her daughter were just minding their own business near their home in Nova Scotia, Canada, when a raven approached them and asked that they help it remove some porcupine quills from its face.

OK, the raven didn't actually mutter the words "help me, please."

What it did was take a seat on a nearby fence and patiently wait for the two women to figure out what the problem was and lend it a helping hand.

"It reminded me of a child with a splinter and when you pull a splinter out, they holler and screech and pull their hand away," Gertie explained.

"Very bizarre he let us get that close and even more bizarre he let my Mom pull the quills out," her daughter also pointed out.

The two women not only rescued the raven, but also fed it. They say that it returned the next day, supposedly just to say "thanks."