The baby penguin was born at Saint Louis Zoo on December 23, 2013

Jan 17, 2014 21:01 GMT  ·  By

Just two days before last year's Christmas (i.e. December 23, 2013 for those who do not speak religion or are of a faith other than Christianity), a baby gentoo penguin emerged from its egg at Saint Louis Zoo.

This past January 16, staff as the facility posted the footage above on YouTube, just to show that the penguin chick is not only alive and well, but that it is also thriving.

As detailed in the video's description, the footage was shot when the baby penguin was about 24 days old.

Despite being of a considerable size and pleasantly plump around the waist, the creature still relies heavily on its parents, and does not spend all that much time out of or away from its nest.

This is because it depends on its parents to get the food, warmth and protection it needs to continue growing.

In order to monitor its progress, zoo employees have to weigh the baby penguin on a daily basis. Luckily for them, the chick does not seem to mind being disturbed.