Video pokes fun at Mitt Romey's poking fun at climate change

Nov 1, 2012 20:01 GMT  ·  By
Video pokes fun at Mitt Romney statements concerning climate change, global warming
   Video pokes fun at Mitt Romney statements concerning climate change, global warming

It was not very long ago when Mitt Romney decided to stir some laughs by mocking ongoing phenomena such as climate change and global warming.

Thus, he pretty much made fun of Barack Obama's green energy policies, and argued that, “President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. My promise... is to help you and your family.”

Soon after Hurricane Sandy, a video emerged showing Mitt Romney making a case of how environmental protection is a tad overrated.

Following his opinions on the slow rise of the oceans and his promises to the American people comes a collection of shots taken during the hurricane.

Needless to say, the main idea is that one cannot help American citizens lead a better life if one does not also address global warming amongst other threats.

The message is quite clear: “Tell Mitt Romney: Climate Change Is Not a Joke.”