Too many people have no idea how to cut a cake, video hopes to solve this problem

Jun 19, 2014 22:13 GMT  ·  By

I don't know about you, but I for one have to admit that, until watching this video, I had absolutely no idea how to cut a cake. In fact, it sometimes happened that I was so confused I found myself crying.

Luckily, the video has shown me the way, and I can now proudly announce to the world that I know exactly how to cut a cake to make sure that the gastronomic pleasure it stands to provide is maximized.

Long story short, it turns out that, rather than cutting triangular pieces, it's best to go for cutting out slices from the middle. This way, you can push the remaining sections back together and thus keep them fresh.

Should you find yourself in a situation where the remaining sections are anything but willing to cuddle together, it turns out you can always use a rubber band to get them to stay in place.

This rather odd video detailing how to cut a cake in order to make sure that it stays fresh and moist for as long as possible made it online just yesterday.

However, it has already scored well over 1,400,000 hits. One can only assume this is because, as tasty as it might be, cake can prove a rather tricky dish when it comes to serving it.

Unless one happens to be home alone and in no mood to share, in which case I guarantee there will be no need for cutting. On the contrary, a spoon, a comfortable couch, and a nice movie will suffice.