New Yorkers get scared by a possessed baby in a moving stroller

Jan 15, 2014 12:16 GMT  ·  By

The people behind upcoming horror movie “Devil's Due,” about a baby that is the devil's spawn, thought of a very cool way to promote it. Before ever scaring a person in the movie theater, the production team decided to scare people in New York.

For this, they made a remote-controlled animatronic demon-baby and let it loose in a stroller on the streets of New York. The result? A lot of pedestrians and innocent by-standers scared out of their wits.

The incredibly realistic demon-child could move, cry, barf on command and even flip off people, while its stroller seemed to be moving independently. It's funny because residents of New York City are not so easily impressed, and always seem to have seen it all.

The horror movie “Devil's Due” tells the story of a newlywed couple who find they are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy after a mysterious, lost night during their honeymoon. As the pregnancy progresses, it becomes evident to the father that a demonic force takes over the mother and her baby.

“Devil's Due” is billed for release on January 17, 2014.