These top predators can kill whatever comes their way, once they set their minds on it

Sep 20, 2012 08:27 GMT  ·  By

Nile Crocodiles weigh roughly a ton, measure up to 18 feet (about 5.5 meters), and have some of the most impressive jaws in the animal kingdom.

Besides being Africa's top predators, it seems that these reptiles also have the world's strongest bite, which helps them hunt down zebras and the like.

More precisely, as explained in the video above, all they need to do is stick their teeth into their next meal, drag the unfortunate animal under the water and keep it there until it drowns.

Although they mainly hunt in or near water sources, some crocodiles do sometimes decide to venture out and explore new surroundings.

They mostly do this during nighttime, so that they can catch animals they would otherwise not get to taste.