Oddly enough, their conga line is straighter than the ones people usually form

Jan 18, 2014 20:11 GMT  ·  By

It's Saturday, so many people are probably looking for some entertainment that would take their mind off the work week that just ended and the one that's about to start sooner than one might expect and/or desire.

If you count yourself among entertainment seekers, you might want to have a look at the video above.

It was posted on YouTube just yesterday by Petsami, and it shows a bunch of bears getting behind one another and forming something that looks very much like a conga line.

From where I stand, the only difference between the furry creatures' conga line and the ones that people make at parties is that the former is way straighter.

Then again, they do serve booze at most human get-togethers, so maybe the bears have the fact that they don't sip champagne all that often working to their advantage.