A powerful blow for Toshiba

Oct 22, 2005 10:20 GMT  ·  By

Toshiba and the format the Japanese company is trying to promote, HD-DVD, have received another blow after Warner Bros. officially announced that it will launch video content for the Blu-Ray format.

Although at the beginning of the war between the two formats, both sides were supported by an approximately equal number of movie producing companies, the situation is becoming more complicated, because Warner Bros. is the second ally for HD-DVD, after Paramount, to go with both standards.

Unfortunately for Toshiba, none of Blu-Ray's allies is considering releasing movies on HD-DVD discs, which leaves the company with the support of only one studio, NBC Universal, which is not enough to tip the balance in the battle of formats.

Although Warner Bros' decision is a powerful blow, Toshiba outlined in a press release that the studio will continue to promote the HD-DVD format as well.

In the same press release, Toshiba announced its decision to introduce the HD-DVD format on the American market at the beginning of next year, but didn't provide an exact date.