The animal was recently spotted on one of Scotland’s Orkney Islands

Mar 4, 2013 21:11 GMT  ·  By

The people inhabiting Scotland's North Ronaldsay island recently received a rather unexpected visitor: a young male walrus which, for one reason or another, decided to leave its home at the North Pole, travel over a distance of roughly 2,200 miles (about 3,540 kilometers) and then relax on this Scottish beach.

Those who got the chance to come fairly close to the animal explained that, apart from its being rather tired because of all the swimming, the walrus appeared to be in good health, Thai Panda reports.

“My husband rang me and said ‘guess what I’ve just seen? A walrus!’. I thought he was joking at first,” said one local woman named Fleur.

“It is just amazing that he has turned up here. He seems happy enough and gives out a grunt. We would not like to get too close. Even though he's young he is still a big animal,” she later added.