Or what happens when your virtual personal assistant becomes your worst nightmare

Dec 23, 2011 10:46 GMT  ·  By

Since Apple's iPhone 4S is bound to wind up under many of our Christmas trees and given the popularity of the virtual personal assistant Siri it comes with, now's the time to get into the festive mood. With a horror movie with these two.

The video above is a mock trailer for a mock movie called “Siri: The Holiday Horror Movie,” showing how Siri could go crazy and terrorize a group of friends who were initially quite happy with their Christmas gifts.

The faux trailer packs all the clichés any fans of the genre must already know (and love, to a certain extent), including how the serial killer doesn't really die when he's supposed to and how the victims react in the face of sudden death.

Fans of the genre will also appreciate the nods to classics like “The Shinning” and “Psycho,” but geeks will most definitely gag at that part where Siri tells one of her victims that “there's an app for that” when he asks for a knife – and then stabs him with it.

All in all, as these parodies go, this is actually a well made one. It's also funny and potentially creepy, depending on how you feel about robots taking over the world.