Tricorder, food replicator, and virtual displays, all existed on TV long before real life

Feb 4, 2014 21:46 GMT  ·  By

That “Star Trek” predicted many of the technological advances of today is definitely not a new topic, even though “predict” is a term whose accuracy is debatable. Whether you prefer it, or “pre-visualize” or “conceptualize” or another, “Star Trek” was ahead of its time in more ways than one can count.

One of them is in the way it envisioned the technology of the future, many applications of which are in use today.

We might not call them by the same name and they might not be as fast and accurate (yet) as the ones shown in the original TV series and big-screen films, but we’re getting there. Slowly but surely, as the saying goes.

Above is a video from BuzzFeed, which aims to illustrate just 3 instances in which “Star Trek” “predicted” the technology of today. You are probably aware of the existence of the current devices mentioned above, so the video is enjoyable and interesting even if you never watched the original series.

Besides those, “Star Trek” was also fairly accurate in the description of devices that we came to know today as cell phones, Bluetooth, flatscreen TV, and tablets, to name just a few. We’re still to get the hang of teleportation and time-traveling, though.