Fans are hyped to see what becomes of the Spidey franchise

Feb 17, 2015 16:17 GMT  ·  By
Mashup offers a first indication of Spider-Man's chemistry with the Avengers
   Mashup offers a first indication of Spider-Man's chemistry with the Avengers

Last week, Sony Pictures handed over the rights to the Spider-Man franchise to Marvel Pictures, on the condition that they still retain some creative control over it. The deal was welcomed with genuine joy by the fans, who felt that the rebooted “Amazing Spider-Man” was beyond what this beloved superhero deserves in terms of theatrical treatment.

Plus, Marvel had already proved that it could deliver one blockbuster superhero film after another, so this would mean that Spider-Man would be saved from being shelved for another decade or so, which would have probably happened had Sony held onto “Amazing Spider-Man.”

However, the most exciting part about this new deal was the announcement that Spidey would be joining Marvel’s superheroes The Avengers very soon, and that, before he got his first film in 2017, he would be making a cameo in one of the studio’s upcoming releases.

Buzz online has it that he might even pop up in this year’s “Age of Ultron,” but chances are looking better that he will have a cameo in 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War.” That means that we have another full year (plus change) to go until then.

Naturally, some fans are getting impatient, so Screen Crush has today’s suggestion for Viral of the Day to keep them going until then: a mashup of footage from “The Avengers” with video from “Spider-Man,” thus bringing the Avengers and Spidey together for the first time on the screen.

It’s not much, but it’s not nothing, at least. More interactions between the characters would make this better, but you know what they say about beggars not being choosers. Enjoy!