Tom Hiddleston is pranked, handles it incredibly well

Nov 20, 2013 21:06 GMT  ·  By

If you still had doubts as to how far Tom Hiddleston would go to shill for a movie, today’s Viral of the Day will provide you with an answer: so far into awkward territory that he reaches previously uncharted ground, though not for a second running the risk of losing his coolness.

The guys from Smosh interview-pranked him almost a week ago and the resulting video is absolutely hilarious, though chances are you will also feel a pang of pain in your heart for seeing Tom subjected to this.

The video is above and, while some jokes were simply not funny and there is a certain feeling that the “hoax” goes on for too long, Hiddleston handles it like a champ. Granted, at one point, he realizes that he’s being pranked but, when he does, you can’t realize it from his behavior, in that he continues to play along as before, like the amazing guy that he is.

So, this means that the two guys from Smosh got to touch Hiddleston in ways he was probably never touched before during a press junket, making him do ridiculous stuff like sing or make faces, and overall embarrassing him.

Tom seriously deserves his own movie franchise: can you imagine how hard he’d shill for it? And how epic that would be?


A review of “Thor: The Dark World,” starring Tom Hiddleston as Loki, is also available.