Apply for a job with Stark Industries

Jul 31, 2009 16:05 GMT  ·  By

Promotion for “Iron Man 2” has just been kicked up another notch with the launch of a viral campaign. is the first website set up by the movie studio in order to promote the upcoming film, mirroring an aspect of the story of Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Given the spring 2010 release date for the sequel, fans can expect more of these websites to pop up in the following months, movie-oriented publications are saying.

The website is designed to look as if it really belongs to Stark Industries, featuring the motto “Changing the world for a better future.” It includes an application form that fans can fill out to apply for a position with the company and, one might as well note, it seems a pretty serious deal, with questions covering all bases. It also comes with a note from Tony Stark himself, written on a stained napkin and reading, “For Immediate Release: we no longer make weapons! (Pepper, pls. post EXACTLY as is).”

The Experience Assessment field of the application is, though, to die for, as several fans who applied for a job have already found out. “What term describes the superposition of two or more waves resulting in a new wave pattern?” is the first question that applicants must answer in the corresponding field. The next four are equally fun: “2. Please briefly describe your most heroic act. 3. A plane flying past a non-moving observer has kinetic energy in the reference frame of this observer, the same plane has how much kinetic energy in the reference frame which moves with the plane? 4. What region of the globe would you consider most in need of intelecrop technology? 5. What is your greatest hope for human kind?”

Since these are all the details included on or provided by the movie studio, fans are already beginning to speculate on what happens after they apply for the job. One theory that is gaining ground at the moment is that all those who fill out the form – in a proper manner, taking it very seriously – will receive a film poster or some other type of promo material later on, perhaps after “Iron Man” hits movie screens. As of now, this is just pure speculation, but, should it turn out to be accurate, you will certainly find out about it here.

In the meanwhile, have a look at the “official” website of Stark Industries. If you consider applying and going through with it, and you do get something in return, share your experience with us in the comments section below.