Are they backwards flying dragons or jet-powered, dragon-shaped rockets?

Dec 1, 2011 21:31 GMT  ·  By

We revealed yesterday just how update 1.2 creates even more issues in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, instead of fixing existing ones reported by users, but now a fresh video appeared on YouTube, made by a user who just installed the patch.

As you can see in the footage above, instead of the dragon flying in a normal way, he moves backwards and, when he breathes fire, he even looks like a sort of jet-powered dragon rocket.

Skyrim was plagued by plenty of issues, but most of them were just amusing, as only a few resulted in game ending problems. Still, users eagerly awaited patch 1.2 to fix some of these issuess. Bethesda, sadly, didn’t try to fix the more serious issues, instead just resolving a few, obscure problems, while creating some more glitches.

Among them, as you can see above, are these backwards flying dragons that are pretty hilarious, but users reported also more serious issues, like the resistances of the player to special attacks, or just random crashes after they got the update.

Hopefully, the studio will be able to fix these problems sooner rather than later.