The carrier is currently working on restoring service

Oct 17, 2011 07:14 GMT  ·  By

Mobile phone carrier Verizon Wireless has been hit by a major outage that affects its 4G LTE network all around the United States.

Apparently, the wireless services provider has acknowledged the issue and is working on resolving it, though there is no telling on how long it might take before that happens.

Users are already complaining about poor or no service all around the country, as the carrier's twitter and Facebook pages show.

Confirmation on the fact that the network is down comes from Reddit user Vzw_insider, who notes the following:

Hey /r Android just want to let you all know VZ 4g mode is out nationwide. We’re working on it, calling Vz customer service will do no good as this is a network issue. Looking at at no ETA for repair just yet. I’ll keep this thread updated as the night goes on.