Stealthy spy finally gets an online home

Aug 15, 2008 06:58 GMT  ·  By

Velvet Assassin, Gamecock's very promising stealth action game (known as Sabotage in its early days) just got an official website running and we must admit that we're impressed: it has brand new screenshots, video trailers, details about the game... you get the point, it's a real website, not a teaser, as many companies like to come up with prior to a game launch. But you can check for yourselves by visiting it here.

Gamecock also reconfirmed that Velvet Assassin will hit the game store shelves this winter on Xbox 360 and PC systems, bringing the World War Two stealth action to new heights. Because that's the main focus of the game, rather than all out gunplay, and it uses a variety of real locations and objectives to deliver a brutal depiction of life as a spy during the war. Missions will include assassination, sabotage and intelligence gathering. There's also talk of some very dark and powerful moments in the game, when the lead character gets captured and tortured before she manages to escape. Pretty cool, right?

However, the website is not at all a torture, but a delight: it offers visitors the chance to look inside the gritty world of Velvet Assassin from the perspective of Violette Summer, the heroine of the game, as she lies in her hospital room. Glimpsing flashbacks of Violette's life offer insight into her heroic missions behind enemy lines. The site also includes news updates on the game as well as details on the real life 'Follow the Dream' treasure hunt. In addition, a fully functional Morse code translator lets visitors send coded messages to their friends. So it's a fun visit after all, and it is definitely a bonus that makes the wait more enjoyable. Of course, you can also come back to Softpedia for the latest news, previews and reviews on Velvet Assassin.