A fashionable little Fax Machine

Mar 10, 2008 11:22 GMT  ·  By

Fax machines may seem out-fashioned for some. They are indeed a blast from the past, but their use is handy and easy and many companies rely on them for sending or receiving important documents in short time (almost no time at all). Although they are slow and noisy some times, it is more comfortable to wait one minute for a paper to print than several days for the same paper to arrive in an envelope in the mailbox.

As today we live in a world of speed and fast growing technology, we expect all domains to keep up with the flow. So it comes that Vavolo presents this Vista compatible portable fax machine that revolutionizes the way faxes are sent and/or received. The fax machine can be attached to any desktop or laptop via USB interface and it turns the PC into a fully functional paperless fax machine.

The device features a Hi-speed USB interface and its bundled software provides advanced fax solutions and managing methods. Not only that it is more comfortable than any old fax machines, but it also adds more flexibility and efficiency in sending faxes. It provides increased image quality, multi-task functions, all the read, edit, forward, save and print features available with any mailbox and others. It can send faxes to more than one receiver at the same time, resend it if the user is busy or receive and send automatically.

There are also some other features of Flexii USB Digital Fax Machine that ought to be noticed. It is more energy and cost efficient than the out-dated paper fax machines, smaller and portable. It doesn't use paper which makes it green enough in comparison with a usual fax machine and is definitely noiseless. The fact that it can be used with any Vista operating computer and it doesn't have to be watched all the time are some of its important gains. It is also customizable with some accessories and it can be purchased for only $135.99.

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