The team explains how the new raid content will work

Sep 14, 2012 12:23 GMT  ·  By

The development team at BioWare has launched another video for the upcoming 1.4 update for the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is designed to give players all the information they need for the new Terror from Beyond content.

The developer states that gamers will need to “face a mysterious new threat that has emerged from one of the most obscure places in the galaxy: the Gree planet of Asation”.

The fact that the Hypergate has been activated means that a collection of the strangest and most violent creatures in the universe is streaming through and now gamers need to band together and use their full panoply of abilities in order to defeat them and then close down the Hypergate.

The 1.4 update is the final one that BioWare will deliver before Star Wars: The Old Republic moves to the free-to-play model in November.

From then on gamers will be able to access the entire game content without paying anything for it.