The company is also offering a new Refer-A-Friend program with financial rewards

Feb 23, 2007 10:29 GMT  ·  By

Obopay, the one of the best providers of comprehensive mobile payment and social money services in the U.S., recently announced a new Sponsored Accounts feature that allows anyone under 18 to benefit from the fun, convenience and security of sending and receiving money in real time via the mobile phone. Through this new family enhancement, parents can provide each child with an Obopay account linked to his or her own mobile phone. With Obopay, kids can now enjoy the freedom of spending cash in a cool new way, while parents get the tracking and control they need to ensure fiscal guidance.

"As more consumers fell in love with Obopay's mobile payment service, parents began asking for a way to get their kids involved," said Ramy Mora, vice president, consumer marketing. "With our new Sponsored Accounts feature, those under 18 are able to get in on the fun, and parents rest easier knowing their kids will always have cash in hand when it's needed most."

Recent Obopay consumer research found that more than 70 percent of today's youth in the U.S. carry a cell phone and that they are more likely to carry a cell phone than their wallet or keys. Teenagers and schoolchildren who are granted access to Obopay can: spend their allowance more easily in a digital society; i.e. iTunes, Amazon and other popular sites; have real-time access to emergency funds; always have their lunch money; learn fiscal responsibility as part of its service enhancements.

Obopay is now also offering a new Refer-A-Friend program that rewards users who refer their friends with $5 for each successful referral.