Players will be able to get a lot of backstory on the series

Dec 5, 2011 08:49 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher has released a new trailer for Uncharted: Golden Abyss, the title in the series that will be launched for the PlayStation Vita, showing off how gamers will be able to use touch controls in order to play the game and some snippets of story.

The events of Golden Abyss will take place before those seen in the original Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, meaning that it will deliver a lot of backstory for the main character and will likely involve a number of other players that we have not seen before.

The game should be out in Japan on December 17 and in the West on February 22, at the same time as the PlayStation Vita platform.

The Vita is not in any way region locked so Uncharted fans could get a Vita from Japan, although high demand on launch day will make that difficult, and get a copy of Golden Abyss from Hong Kong in order to play the game before the end of the year.