The company says that framerate is more important than resolution

May 13, 2014 21:45 GMT  ·  By

The development team has recently allowed rumors about the resolution of the upcoming Watch Dogs to spread around the player community, but the company has now decided to offer official information for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.

An official blog explains that on the Microsoft device, the game will run at 792p and that on the Sony platform, the resolution is 900p.

On both next-gen consoles, the frame rate is locked at 30 for the entire duration of the game to make sure that players are always immersed in the world they are exploring.

Jonathan Morin, the creative director working on Watch Dogs, says that, "Resolution is a number, just like framerate is a number. All those numbers are valid aspects of making games, but you make choices about the experience you want to deliver."

He emphasizes that the new Ubisoft game is focused on creating a dynamic experience and that means that a steady frame rate is more important to the player's enjoyment than the resolution.

He adds, "People tend to look at corridor shooters, for example, where there’s a corridor and all the effects are on and it’s unbelievable, and they forget that if you apply those same global effects to an open city with people around and potential car crashes and guys in multiplayer showing up without warning, the same effect is applied to a lot of dynamic elements that are happening in every frame."

The official blog from Ubisoft goes into some more technical details that will be interesting for some of those who plan to buying Watch Dogs.

The title will be offered on May 27 all over the world and can be played on the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One, current-gen consoles and the PC.

Ubisoft says that it is still working with Nintendo on a Wii U version that should be launched later during the year.

Watch Dogs is an open world title that explores themes related to surveillance and hacking, allowing players to tap into a variety of computer systems in order to achieve their aims.

Ubisoft has said that it has created a complex version of Chicago, with a number of futuristic touches, in order to give fans an interesting space to explore and variety when it comes to quest design and combat.

Watch Dogs was initially set to be launched in 2013, but it was delayed so that the developers could deliver a high-quality experience.