Gamers will have to wait to get access to more details

May 21, 2014 07:20 GMT  ·  By

Far Cry 4 might have only been officially revealed as being in development a few days ago, but the title has already generated a solid amount of controversy with its cover image, which plenty of potential customers have claimed can be interpreted as being racist and offensive.

Creative Director Alex Hutchinson sought to offer some clarification on the issue via his official Twitter account, while not giving too much away about the actual narrative that gamers would be able to experience.

He claims that fans of the Far Cry series should not jump to any sort of conclusion before they get more details and that the man shown on the cover in the pink suit does not represent the player character and, more importantly, is not actually white.

The developer has not given any other piece of information despite the fact that many fans asked him to offer more clarity and explain what the cover for the shooter was designed to represent.

A uPlay listing that was created directly by the development team at Ubisoft has suggested that in the coming shooter, players will travel to the remote area of the Himalaya mountain range in order to fulfil the dying wish of their in-game mother.

There, they will be confronted by a power and crazy tyrant and they will have to side with a local militia in order to take him down and restore peace.

Ubisoft has refused to comment on the leak and says that more information on Far Cry 4 would be delivered in due time.

The development team has also failed to offer any details on the core gameplay, but the company will probably preserve the mix of open world movement and freedom to explore that has long been the defining element of the franchise.

At the same time, those working on Far Cry 4 need to introduce some innovative ideas to the first-person shooter aspect of the experience in order to keep long-term fans interested in the title.

At the moment, Far Cry 4 is set to be launched on the Xbox One from Microsoft, the PlayStation 4 from Sony, the PC and current-gen consoles on November 18 in North America and two days later in Europe.

More details might be delivered during the coming E3 2014 event and a delay is always possible, given that the title was announced so late in the year.