The company found an easy way to convert their traffic into money

Dec 19, 2006 13:24 GMT  ·  By

UTube is one of the companies that are receiving a huge website traffic following their lawsuit with Google's YouTube. UTube sued YouTube, saying their domain name can be easily confounded with Google's service YouTube, a way to increase the number of visitors, traffic and earnings.

It seems that UTube gains more traffic since they announced the lawsuit with Google's YouTube, so the company decided to use multiple ways to convert this traffic into money.

One of the methods used by UTube is an implementation of a search box with ads provided by SearchFeed, a company that offers pay per click advertising programs.

?When you search or click on the suggested search terms you are taken to ads by SearchFeed. In addition, if you click on the UTube logo you are taken to a whats hot page with more of these searches. I wonder how well UTube is doing on this recent influx of 70,000+ unique people per day,? Philipp Lennsen from Search Engine Land said.

?There?s a couple of search suggestions to get you started, like poker and ringtones. And when you click the UTube logo, you?ll end up on a ?what?s hot? listing linking to searches for britney spears, nintendo wii and what-not. Here?s the top search result for poker, along with the unrelated web cam girl and the fake rating (both appear on other ads, too),? Google Blogoscoped concluded.

So, no matter the verdict of that UTube ? YouTube lawsuit, the former company is trying to maximize its profits based on this case with or without the approval of its rival. However, I'm really curios about the verdict of the case and how much will have UTube to pay compared to the profits made by the lawsuit.