General Mark Welsh believes that cyber could be a resource black hole

Sep 24, 2012 11:52 GMT  ·  By

While most US government organizations are prepared to invest a large part of their resources in cybersecurity, there is one agency whose chief isn’t so willing to focus all his efforts on it, at least not yet.

During a speech at an Air Force Association conference, the US Air Force’s chief of staff, General Mark Welsh, revealed his concerns regarding the fact that cyber could represent a “black hole.”

According to Foreign Policy, Welsh stated that he was “a believer,” but until everything was cleared up and his agency’s role was precisely established, the Air Force would “be going slow on the operational side of cyber.”

“I don't know of a really stated requirement from the joint world, through U.S. Cyber Command in particular, as to what exact kind of expertise they need us to train to and to what numbers to support them and the combatant commanders,” he said.

He highlighted the fact that most of his personnel were not “cyber warriors,” their responsibilities being to operate and defend IT systems.

“Until we're all on board and under the same direction, I'm a little hesitant to commit wholeheartedly a major resource expenditure in an area that I don't completely understand,” he added.