The nursing hospital he frequently visited had a rather intimidating look this time

Jan 18, 2014 21:26 GMT  ·  By

A UPS worker doing his daily delivery activities, never expected to encounter one of his favorite places, to visit during work, looking like a post apocalyptic scene.

The man delivered packages for nurses at that particular hospital on a daily basis and he was always greeted by busy medical staff running around the building.

But one day everything changed, instead of stumbling upon busy people trying to save other people's lives, he entered a deserted healthcare center with no staff members or patients but with an incredible mess and the lights still on.

He recorded the scene and posted it on YouTube with the name “How I imagine I'll see a zombie for the first time.” The intimidating scene was properly dubbed as it actually looks like a post apocalyptic scene where disaster struck and people fled in an incredible hurry.

Despite his desperate attempts to call upon at least one nurse, his “Hellos” were not answered, leaving him wondering about what could have happened. But, to this day he still hasn't offered an answer about what triggered the intimidating scene.