Reports claim Apple has put UK on the black 'unlocking' list

Jul 4, 2008 10:29 GMT  ·  By

Rumor has it that Apple isn't very fond of Britain, as far as shipping its new iPhone there is concerned. Few next-gen devices are to make their way into the UK, as a result of Briton's unlocking habits.

This Electricpig report claims O2 UK saw less than 15% (original) iPhones sold after the last price drop, with the majority of the devices being purchased for hacking / unlocking. The rest of the 85 percent of the iPhone buyers are, of course, those who've eyed more advantageous offers at other carriers, which didn't necessarily require a two year plan or costly fees for data transfer.

"Our inside source at one of the official iPhone 3G retailers says Apple's got the hump with Britain, as its reputation for cracking the handset reaches new heights," the source says. "Word is, less than 15% of iPhones sold after the last price drop appeared on O2's network, with the majority being hacked for use on rival networks or sold on abroad."

But the big disappointment is yet to come. Citing the same insider, the source points out that "the UK will receive a very limited stock of the iPhone 3G as a result, especially in its 16GB guise," while the white model may not ship at all.

As an iPhone fanatic, if you're living in the UK and reading this, you're probably looking around for a rope to tie to the ceiling and... well, you know. It's perfectly understandable, although it's not worth hurting yourself over an Apple device.

The big cries will probably come from iPhone fans desperate to get their hands on some App Store material. Given that many of the apps to be found there will be free to download and use, an 8GB handset is not exactly the best choice for these folks. With the 16GB white model being rumored to not even launch in the UK, this should make for a real concern for UK residents.