Don't be fooled by this decades-old urban legend

Sep 14, 2013 09:53 GMT  ·  By

There are many things happening on the Internet and not all are true. Many are just hoaxes, some quite amusing and others downright annoying. 

For instance, a clip uploaded to YouTube last week appearing to relay a confrontation between the U.S. Navy and the Spanish Coast Guard is just a fake.

You may have heard about this one - the US vessels are told to move out of the way to avoid a collision.

Fairly stubborn and self-righteous, the US captain wants to move ahead and threatens the Spanish opponent with battleships, destroyers, cruisers and submarines.

In his mind, there is no way anyone would dare defy him, not when his fleet is heavily armed and he is not one to back away from a fight just to prove that, albeit merely once and gain, he can put his pride aside and be the better man.

The response comes as a surprise, as he finds out that he is talking to a lighthouse operator who explains that, even if he is only backed by a second person, a dog, and a sleeping bird, he will still come out of this situations better than the US fleet.

Indeed, lighthouses are no match for a fleet, no matter how mighty the vessels might be.

According to Wikipedia, this is an urban legend that has appeared in Steven Covey's 1989 work “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” but may date back to 1939.