The insects push their hind section into the air whenever they wish to rest

Apr 17, 2013 11:37 GMT  ·  By

Russia was recently discovered to be the home of two moth species previously unknown to science.

Anatomical particularities aside, what makes these insects interesting (and quite fun, I might add) to look at is the fact that, as shown in the picture above, they push their hind section up into the air whenever they wish to rest.

This allows them to place their antennae either directly on to ground, or on a nearby leaf, Our Amazing Planet explains.

The researchers who discovered these two new moth species in Russia's Far East explain that, unlike others of their kind, these insects are not in the least interested in flying towards light.

The moths were both classified as belonging to the genus Ypsolophid, their names now being Ypsolopha melanofuscella and Ypsolopha straminella.

A detailed description of these insects was recently published in the scientific journal Zoo Keys.