Download the free .eps files containing the instructions to build your own

Sep 8, 2008 17:11 GMT  ·  By

Sooner or later, everyone needs a document scanner around the house. It's practical, and a huge relief for the paranoid. Although the iPhone Document Scanner isn't what you'd think it is (as in not software), it looks like a truly original and accurate solution for the task. Even better, you can download some free .eps files containing instructions to craft out your own.

“When I got my iPhone last year I loved having everything important in one place, and the ability to get rid of unnecessary devices, documents and information I kept with me,” says kyleakoch on Ponoko. “I would frequently snap photos of class assignments printed on copy paper so I wouldn't have to worry about losing them. The documents normally came out pretty clear, but it was tough to keep still while taking the pictures. I set out to make something that would ensure clean, consistent pictures of documents taken with the iPhone that would be free and easy to make on your own. And so, here you will the eps files to make your own iPhone document scanner.”

Surely you've also found yourself in a similar situation, not necessarily as an iPhone owner, but as the owner of a camera-equipped handset. Hence, with a few modifications to the original design, the Document Scanner should fit any phone using a camera. Nevertheless, the actual measurements and the rest of the specs are specifically aimed at iPhone use.

As a Ponoko member you can download the free .eps files of the plans to build your own iPhone Document Scanner. Making an account costs nothing, while the .eps files will be on your desktop in less than a minute.

iPhone owners looking to make even better use of their iPhone's camera could also look into Daniel Forsythe's hack to change the focus of the camera, enabling them to take more accurate close-up shots (voids warranty).