With the help of the convergence kit from Pro-Idee

Jan 2, 2007 07:57 GMT  ·  By

We're in the middle of winter (although the weather outside kind of disapproves with it, with the global warming and all), and that's why today, I'll show you a device aimed especially at those fortunate enough to have enough time to hit the ski slopes in the winter AND the skating ring in the summer, namely the in-line skates to skis transformer kit from Pro-Idee.

This very interesting and practical kit works in a very simple manner. Thus, all the users have to do is replace the skate's rollers with runners by screwing the latter to the front and rear axles. Then, they'll be able to perform all the usual skater tricks, as for example jumps and even double concave ends backwards. That's possible due to the fact that the movements are almost identical to skating and the users will hardly need any retraining.

Moreover, these mini-skis are very easily and precisely controlled, and don't even require maintenance, since the contact surface does not need to be waxed, while assuring absolute tracking accuracy, whether on the T-bar lift or while going down the slopes. The convergence kit from Pro-Idee is made from an easy-gliding, 8 mm thick plastic, and the runners measure 54 x 8 cm, having a total weight of around 1050 grams (a lot less than a normal pair of skis). They cost around 52 Euro, which is really a very small price, considering the fact that they offer a whole new life to the users' inline skates and actually save them some money (we all know just how expensive skis can be).

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