Jul 1, 2011 12:49 GMT  ·  By

It's been only a couple of days since Google+ became available, but maybe you miss Facebook already. Maybe the snazzy but rather dull and gray design and color scheme is too unwelcoming. Maybe you want to feel more at home when you're using the brand new social network.

If any of this is true, or if you just want to check out how a Facebooked Google+ would look like, then this Facebook-conversion userscript is for you.

Probably created more for the fun of it than for any practical use, the aptly named 'googleplusfacebook' userscript can be installed in Chrome natively, but also in any other browser that supports Greasemonkey scripts, which is pretty much all of them.

It is a simple CSS hack, the shades of gray are replaced by Facebook's familiar blues and the header items are moved around a bit to look like the ones on Facebook.

In fact, you'd be surprised to see how familiar, in terms of the buttons and functions rather than looks, Google+ and Facebook really are. Still, even with the userscript installed, the site is clearly recognizable as Google+, or at least as not Facebook.

You can thank designer Fabio Giolito for the theme. There is a version of the theme for the Stylish add-on, but if you don't have that installed, you can simply grab and install the userscript version.

To go back to the regular Google+ design, simply uninstall or disable the userscript in the browser you're using.

That said, Google+ looks rather slick and most people have praised the visuals of the new social network. It's unlikely that too many people will want to change it and it's even more unlikely that they'll want to change it to something that looks like Facebook, which is not exactly renowned for its aesthetics.