The studio just made sure the story respected the timeline of the series

Sep 8, 2012 08:14 GMT  ·  By

Publisher Activision has made it clear that neither Infinity Ward nor Treyarch, the two studios traditionally associated with the Call of Duty series, is involved with the upcoming Declassified title that will be launched on the PlayStation Vita handheld from Sony.

John Rafacz, the communications manager at Treyarch, has told CVG during an interview that his own studio has “not been involved with the Vita version”.

A spokesperson from Activision added that, “Activision is the publisher, but we also have a partnership with Sony to bundle Declassified with the PlayStation Vita.”

Nihilistic Software is the company that’s creating Call of Duty: Declassified and so far very limited detail has been offered on the kind of experience that the game will create.

The single player story will be set somewhere between the first and the second Black Ops titles and it will probably star at least some of the best known characters of the series.

The game will also include a multiplayer mode, but so far neither of the companies working on it has stated whether the handheld will have cross-platform play with the PlayStation 3 version of Black Ops 2.

Declassified is one of the most important titles to be launched on the Vita during the fall season and Sony hopes that it will push up sales of the handheld, which has struggled since launch.

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Declassified will be launched exclusively on the PlayStation Vita on November 22.

The core Call of Duty series will get a new installment in the Black Ops series this fall, allowing gamers to play sections set both during the Cold War period and the near future.

Treyarch is handling development on the game and it plans to deliver a more attractive single-player campaign and a multiplayer mode built around the Create-a-Class concept.