The picture was tweeted by political strategist Van Jones

Jul 17, 2013 13:23 GMT  ·  By

A photo of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wearing a hoodie identical to that worn by Trayvon Martin has become a symbol of a new-age war over racism in the States.

The photo was posted two days ago to Twitter by Van Jones, former adviser to president Barack Obama. The caption includes the date April 4, 1968.

It also features the hashtag #RipTrayvonMartin. It was uploaded after the jury decided to acquit George Zimmerman in Martin's death, under Florida's “Stand Your Ground” law.

The photo has a large impact, quickly going viral on social media sites. It was photoshopped on King by digital artist Nikkolas Smith, Huffington Post details.

A juror in the trial has explained her decision to Anderson Cooper since the trial ended, saying that she believed that Zimmerman was just defending himself.