These comments are rude, they're smart, they're inappropriate, and they're very funny

Oct 5, 2012 06:42 GMT  ·  By

This compilation of comments to other videos was uploaded by BuzzFeed 3 days ago, and has already got almost 200,000 views.

The concept for the clip is simply brilliant, relaying surprising, funny, well-thought out or unexpected comments.

In the WaterAid cracker challenge video, messages were written on crackers in order to raise awareness on the shortage of drinkable water in some areas of the world. One user implies that's how children in underdeveloped countries become malnourished – people keep writing on their crackers.

Sometimes, you don't quite know if the user was trying to be funny or not, as is the case of the “can we get color pictures of the moon already?” comment posted for a clip that showed new images of the natural satellite.

A similar case is that of a user asking if the actor in the parody Downfall – Hitler's outrage clip is, in fact the real Fuhrer. The dictator was 56 years old at the time of his death, in 1945.