Developers have not decided on open or closed beta stage

Jan 26, 2012 20:01 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Crystal Dynamics announced that their upcoming title Tomb Raider reached alpha stage. That means most of the content is now in place and all the game mechanics are well defined, allowing the developers to play the game, even if the experience is somewhat rough in places.

Kyle Peschel, the senior producer working on Tomb Raider, stated during an official podcast from the company that he expected to see the alpha stage last for about two months, after which the game might get a beta stage for the same period.

The developer did not say whether the beta would be closed, with the developers only including a limited number of players experienced with the franchise, or open, allowing a bigger chunk of the fan base to get involved and offer feedback on the game experience.

If the two stages go as planned, Tomb Raider should go gold and be ready to launch in late May or in early June. But the final decision about the launch date will be made by the publisher Square Enix.

Given that the game reboots the entire Tomb Raider franchise and that the last few installment were somewhat of a disappointment, the publisher and developer will probably try and launch the game during a month when there’s no strong competition, suggesting July or August as good possibilities.

The rebooted Tomb Raider will be launched simultaneously all over the world and will be playable on the Xbox 360 from Microsoft, the PlayStation 3 from Sony and the PC.

The game will feature a more vulnerable Lara Croft, out on her very first adventure and in over her head.

Players will have less freedom of movement than in previous games, and they will need to be much more careful when navigating the hostile environment.