The British swimmer will be promoting the streetwear brand from Adidas

Feb 10, 2014 17:31 GMT  ·  By

Sporting apparel brand Adidas has chosen British Olympic swimmer Tom Daley as the new face of their NEO streetwear collection. This is the first time Adidas has chosen a British celebrity to promote their products.

The campaign is called “Live Your Style” and it promotes a collection that includes clothing, footwear and accessories in young, fresh colors, that the manufacturer says you can wear every day.

Tom was excited to get the position and told the Daily Mail, “It's great to be working with adidas on their NEO label. It's a fun collection and it's constantly changing. The jumper I wore for the NEO shoot is one of my favourites at the moment. It's a twist on a standard jumper and it's exactly what I like to throw on after training with a pair of jeans.”

As part of the promotional campaign, Daley is going to wear Adidas NEO for the finale of ITV's television show Splash! on Saturday.

Daley has recently been featured in the news when he openly came out as gay in a candid video on YouTube. This move has earned him a lot of sympathy from the public as well as some imitators. A lot of people were said to be inspired by his courage and came out as gay to their friends and family.

After making public his orientation, Daley entered a relationship with Dustin Lance-Black, a screenwriter from Hollywood. The couple were seen searching for a home in a neighborhood in London.

As for the NEO brand, this was previously connected with teen pop star Justin Bieber, who used to promote their footwear. It's not yet known if Justin still has a contract with the clothing line or if their collaboration has ended.

While an official statement has not been made, it's safe to assume that Adidas had sufficient reasons to terminate their contract with the Canadian singer, following his many run-ins with the law and his declining career which is at the moment spiraling out of control.