Floss and avoid dark liquids, expert says

Aug 3, 2009 20:31 GMT  ·  By
Floss, avoid dark liquids and use over-the-counter whitening products for a smile like Taylor Lautner’s
   Floss, avoid dark liquids and use over-the-counter whitening products for a smile like Taylor Lautner’s

They say one of the first things you notice about a person is their smile. With this in mind, it’s not hard to understand why we’re all striving to achieve that pearly white, perfect, Hollywood smile, and would even be willing to pay several months’ worth of rent to get it. However, men with good teeth don’t have to spend a fortune to get the kind of smile that sweeps girls off their feet, Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist in New York City, tells this issue of Men’s Health.

For starters, having excellent teeth is not all about the chompers looking good and being sparkly white, as you can imagine. As Rozenberg also points out, one of the mistakes men do most frequently is that they forget to floss, thinking that mouthwash or brushing after each meal should do the trick. Not quite so, the expert says for the publication, since most cavities in adults tend to appear in between the teeth: therefore the need to floss at least once a day.

“But you don’t have to do it after every meal; once a day, like at night after you brush your teeth before going to bed, is enough. You can use any kind of floss, but I like Crest Glide. It really does glide – it won’t get caught or rip. And it doesn’t have a sticky, waxy feel like some flosses do.” Rozenberg says. Mouthwash, contrary to popular belief, has another function than to fight against cavities, as it kills the bacteria in the mouth and thus eliminates the problem of bad breath. Still, using mouthwash is not enough, and brushing and flossing are still a must.

The one thing that defines the “Hollywood smile” best is the whiteness of the teeth. Most men choose to have their teeth done professionally, Rozenberg further explains, but that costs a lot, about $1,000. For those who cannot afford an office visit, there are other options available, such as over-the-counter bleaching products, all of which are both safe and efficient. The only thing men should pay plenty of attention to, however, is that they follow instructions accordingly, the expert points out.

“Over-the-counter products have gotten so much better in the past few years – there are at least a dozen on the market that work. […] It will take longer to whiten with OTC products, so be patient. Your teeth won’t be instantly white or laser-white like if you go to the dentist office for whitening treatments. And it’s cheaper, about $80-90 for one month compared to about $1,000 for an office visit. To keep your teeth whiter longer, drink dark liquids (if it would stain a white shirt, it will stain your teeth) through a straw-the less contact the drink has with your teeth, the less it will stain. And if you can’t brush afterward, drink water or chew sugarless gum. Doing so promotes saliva flow, which naturally cleanses your teeth.” Rozenberg recommends.